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#MotivationMonday Tip No. 9: COVID-19

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 9: COVID-19

“Here Comes the Coronavirus Pandemic” (NY Times)

“Coronavirus Disease Outbreak” (World Health Organization)

“What’s Your Company’s Emergency Remote-Work Plan?” (HBR)


With headlines that sound like they’re straight out of a zombie-apocalypse movie, it’s difficult to fathom the extent of a toll that the Coronavirus will take on human life as well as our everyday lives. Depending on where you’re located in the world, that extent varies dramatically.

Here in the US, over 90 people have been infected across the country and there have been 5 fatalities in total, all of which are in Washington State (CNN). Some cities, regions and specific facilities are on ‘lockdown’ and some travelers are quarantined. Here is what this could potentially mean for business:

  • If you work in a corporate setting, there could be travel or corporate freezes preventing you to visit other regional offices.

  • If you work in a larger organization, you will likely see a lot more health advisory information, soaps, hand sanitizers and policies be sent out. You may even be asked to work from home.

  • If you have a supplier in China, there will likely be delays due to the lockdowns in China and people not leaving their homes or allowed to go into work. Please note that it is unclear how long the Coronavirus can survive on surfaces. (NASDAQ)

  • If you work in travel and/or tourism - you have probably been hit the hardest so far. With travel restrictions in place as well as decreased demand, airlines have cut down on flights and countries that rely on tourism have likely felt a blow.

  • This by no means is an exhaustive list, check out this article on Forbes for more details.

But, Jessica, isn’t this supposed to be a motivational Monday post?

It sure is … and while we really cannot understand the extent of the impact and fear is spreading across the globe, there is still hope. And in my humble opinion, if you are a small business owner who has diversified your business enough to have an online presence, this might be a great opportunity for you to maintain consistent income and support those who cannot leave their homes. As many larger organizations struggle to manage travel restrictions, imports and exports and remote-work policies - you may already be working remotely. You may already be in the position to remain safe in your home, to continue to delivery your services remotely while still earning consistent income - until Coronavirus is better contained. In fact, you might be in the best position to carry out business as usual activities and have the least impact on your day-to-day life.

So until then, please be safe, continue to prepare your business to be as remotely set-up as possible and follow these guidelines from the World Health Organization:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand rub

  • Maintain social distancing

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

  • Seek medical care early if you have a fever, cough or difficultly breathing

  • Follow advice of your healthcare provider

stay healthy & safe, friends.

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